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COOLIEF® Radiofrequency Ablation for Joint Pain: How It Works and What to Expect Mar 14th, 2025

Millions of people suffer from joint pain, including the more than 50 million US adults who report painful arthritis symptoms. While joint pain can definitely take a toll on your quality of life, the good news is that minimally invasive treatments are available that can help — including a state-of-the-art...

5 Treatments to Ease Herniated Disc Pain and Promote Healing Feb 13th, 2025

The spine is a complex part of your anatomy, and although it’s hard at work every day (and even when you sleep), most people don’t give it a second thought — until it starts to hurt. Often, that pain can be traced to the spinal discs, spongy structures that separate...

Chronic Neck Pain: 5 Nonsurgical Treatment Options That Can Provide Lasting Relief Jan 17th, 2025

Neck pain is a common problem for many women and men, caused by injury, degenerative conditions, wear and tear, or even poor posture. While surgery is one possible treatment for some types of chronic neck pain, many people can avoid surgery and find relief from noninvasive or minimally invasive treatments....

How “Cold” MLS Laser Therapy Works to Alleviate Back Pain Dec 11th, 2024

About 40% of American adults suffer from back pain, a common cause of disability and lower quality of life. While there are treatments that can help, finding long-term relief is problematic for many people, leaving them to deal with painful symptoms on a daily basis. At Superior Pain Relief, Zaid...

What Treatment Options Are Available for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? Nov 7th, 2024

Intense, chronic pain can be debilitating. Many CRPS/RSD patients have lost jobs, friends and family relationships due to their illness. Many have been forced to give up activities they love and most also suffer with anxiety and depression related to their condition. Physicians and researchers are still puzzled by this...

How Can I Prevent New Spinal Fractures After My Kyphoplasty Procedure? Oct 23rd, 2024

When people think of spinal fractures, many imagine traumatic injuries caused by serious falls or car accidents. But spinal fractures don’t have to be caused by trauma — some types of spinal fractures, called compression fractures, can happen simply as a side effect of aging. At Superior Pain Relief, serving...

How Discography Helps Diagnose the Cause of Chronic Back Pain Sep 1st, 2024

Millions of people suffer from chronic back pain, and a lot of that pain is related to the spongy discs that separate each pair of spine bones (vertebrae). Disc-related pain can be challenging to diagnose, and determining which disc is causing symptoms can be difficult, too. Effective therapy — and...

How Do Facet Joint Injections Work to Relieve My Pain? Jul 26th, 2024

Your spine is extremely complex, composed of bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and many other structures. Considering how you depend on your spine for most of your activities, it’s no surprise that roughly 80% of people have back pain at some point during their life. For many people, those painful symptoms...

How BOTOX® Can Help Relieve Pain and Restore Quality of Life Jun 11th, 2024

When most people think of BOTOX®, they think of a time-tested, popular way to treat lines and wrinkles. While that’s certainly one application, BOTOX has other uses that have been around even longer than the wrinkle-fighting regimens it’s become known for. In fact, in the 1970s, BOTOX use was being...

Can Scoliosis Be Corrected Completely? May 14th, 2024

Millions of Americans — as many as 3% — suffer from scoliosis, a chronic condition that involves an abnormal curve in your spine. The severity of scoliosis can vary, and while some people experience no symptoms, others routinely suffer from back pain, hip pain, and other problems. The team at...

Preparing for Your Cryoanalgesia: Here's What to Expect Apr 2nd, 2024

You know the relief that can come from applying an ice pack to an injury. Ice works by relieving inflammation and blocking pain signals so you’re more comfortable.  That’s great for superficial pain. But what if you could capture that cooling relief and use it to treat deep nerve pain?...

Managing Fibromyalgia Pain: Know Your Options Mar 15th, 2024

Nearly 7% of Americans suffer from fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome that affects almost twice as many women as men. Researchers aren’t sure what causes fibromyalgia, although they believe it can be triggered by both physical and emotional stressors or trauma. Fibromyalgia pain tends to be widespread and often associated...

3 Types of Nerve Blocks: Which Is Best for You? Feb 2nd, 2024

Nerve blocks are appropriately named: These treatments prevent pain by literally blocking nerve signals before they reach the brain. There are different types of nerve blocks, and understanding the differences among them can help ensure you receive the most appropriate treatment for your pain. At Superior Pain Relief, our team,...

Understanding Your Body's Fight-or-Flight Mechanism Dec 26th, 2023

Most people have heard of the fight-or-flight mechanism, the built-in response system that helps you quickly evaluate and react to stressful situations. And when you’re under stress, that system kicks in to keep you safe and out of danger. But sometimes, the fight-or-flight response overreacts or gets stuck in the...

Oh, My Aching Neck! Dec 14th, 2023

Neck pain is a very common problem for men and women, partly because so many issues can cause discomfort and because the neck is a complex part of your anatomy. The team at Superior Pain Relief helps patients understand the cause of their symptoms while offering tailored therapies that can...

Can Osteoarthritis Be Reversed? Nov 2nd, 2023

Nearly 33 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint condition that can cause joint pain, stiffness, and swelling along with reduced range of motion. Osteoarthritis affects the joint surfaces, degrading the protective layer of cartilage and increasing painful inflammation and friction inside the joints. Zaid Malik, MD, and...

How Controlled Exercise Can Treat Your Herniated Disc Oct 1st, 2023

Herniated discs are a relatively common cause of pain, especially in the lower back or neck where the spine is especially mobile. In addition to nagging back or neck pain, herniated discs can cause uncomfortable symptoms extending to your legs, arms, and other parts of your body, too. With locations...

How Does a Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial Work? Sep 1st, 2023

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an innovative, state-of-the-art therapy for chronic pain affecting your back, arms, or legs. The therapy relies on a small, implantable device that emits tiny bursts of electricity to interrupt pain signals as they travel from the affected part of your body to your brain. While it’s...

Why Ketamine Infusion Therapy Might Be Your Answer for Fibromyalgia Aug 2nd, 2023

If you have fibromyalgia, you know how difficult it can be to find a treatment that works consistently. What’s more, some treatments — like medications — have unpleasant side effects of their own that can add to your discomfort.  But there’s good news: Ketamine infusion therapy is proving very effective...

7 Lifestyle Strategies to Help You Manage Chronic Lower Back Pain Jul 1st, 2023

Roughly one out of every four people suffers from chronic lower back pain along with the debilitating and disabling symptoms it can cause. Lots of problems can cause recurring lower back pain, including injuries, diseases, and degenerative changes that occur along with aging. Because lower back pain is so common...

5 Chronic Pain Conditions That Can Improve With Spinal Cord Stimulation Jun 1st, 2023

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an innovative treatment for chronic pain that uses an implantable device to block or interrupt pain signals between damaged or overactive nerves and your brain. Typically used when more conservative approaches don’t work, SCS can be an ideal solution for people with many types of pain,...

How Poor Posture Leads to Osteoarthritis (and What You Can Do About It) May 1st, 2023

More than 32 million Americans have osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint disease that develops when a joint’s protective layer of cartilage wears away. While most people know repetitive movements and high-impact activities can make OA and its symptoms worse, many don’t realize that poor posture can, too.  With practices in Spring,...

Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated Disc Mar 31st, 2023

Every year, millions of Americans suffer from herniated discs, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. But because back pain in general is so common, many of these people don’t know that they have a disc problem, and that means they’re not getting the care they need to prevent more serious problems....

What Is Osteoarthritis and How Is It Treated? Mar 1st, 2023

Nearly 33 million Americans suffer from the aches, pains, and stiffness of osteoarthritis (OA), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it — by far — the most common type of arthritis. By comparison, the second main type of arthritis — rheumatoid arthritis — affects under 2 million people. But although OA...

Am I a Candidate for a Spinal Cord Stimulator? Feb 19th, 2023

Back pain is a common medical complaint, and data show that most people will experience some degree of back pain at some point during their life. But for about 16 million people, back pain is chronic or persistent, causing significant symptoms and interfering with everyday routines. Pain medication and therapy may help some...

Lower Back Pain: Understanding Your Treatment Options Jan 2nd, 2023

About 16 million American adults suffer from chronic lower back pain, with symptoms that affect their day-to-day routines and activities. While lower back pain can be debilitating, available treatments can help relieve your symptoms so you can get back to enjoying your life. With locations in Houston, Spring, Baytown, Conroe,...

How Fibromyalgia Affects Your Entire Body Dec 1st, 2022

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 4 million Americans have fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition that affects your entire body. While fibromyalgia can’t be cured, there are many treatments available here at Superior Pain Relief in Texas to help you manage the condition.  If you’re...

Why Is There An Opioid Crisis? Oct 3rd, 2018

Welcome to Pain Awareness Month 2018! For many, pain is a transient part of life and one that can be overcome with some grit and patience. For the unfortunate few, pain relief can only be achieved by the aide of medications, therapies and occasionally, surgery. Many sufferers find relief with...